Tracking for Success
Start Date/Time:
Monday, December 4, 2023 11:00 AM
End Date/Time:
Monday, December 4, 2023 12:30 PM
Recurring Event:
Recurring Event Every 1 week(s) on Monday until 2/23/2026 (total 200 events)
Normal Priority
Your nutrition goals will best be achieved with the accountability of tracking while you are enrolled in our Readiness Training Program (RTP).
Learning to properly and successfully track your habits will give you and your health coach a unique perspective on your progress. With this class you will have an opportunity to:
  1. Understand the importance of tracking your exercise and nutrition habits.
  2. Identify tools for tracking calories and macros that will aid in your success.
  3. Gain insight into the many aspects of your eating habits.
  4. Recognize foods that you may be missing or over indulging in.

Call our Health and Wellness Department front desk to register for this class at 619-532-7764.

Owned by Maureen Anastacio On Monday, May 2, 2022