Health Education and Disease Prevention
Mind Body Medicine
What is Mind Body Medicine Program?
Mind Body Medicine is designed to support service members and their families, patients and staff. Our programming offers a holistic approach to mindfulness, resilience, and coping through a variety of virtual and in-person education and skills-building classes and experiences.
Who can attend?
1. Tricare beneficiaries (18 or over) and Active Duty Service Members are eligible for all MBM classes, programs, and events.
2. Staff (Civilian and Contractors who are Non-beneficiaries) may participate in special monthly and quarterly events.
3. For more information or to sign up for classes call 619-532-7764.
Mind Body Medicine Classes
Call the Health and Wellness Department for registration, class dates, and times at (619) 532-7764.
Effective Stress Management and Resiliency Class (virtual, 90 minutes)
1. Feeling stressed? Join us as we learn about how stress affects all areas of our lives, how your stress response cycle works, and get introduced to a variety of stress reduction tools and skills.
2. Remember: bring proactive (not reactive) helps you build resiliency in the face of stressors!
3. We will begin with learning about various processes in the body and nervous system that become active during stressful situations.
4 Ten we will explore some specific skills and techniques you can practice on your own to manage stress.
Developing Coping Skills for Managing Life's Challenges Class (virtual, 90 minutes)
1. Can you name 3 coping skills you use regularly? Join us to learn about what coping skills are and which are best for you.
2. Explore your values, strengths, and interests and learn how they can aid your coping processes.
3. Reflect on how to hone existing coping skills and develop new ones.
Meditation for Relaxation and Rejuvenation Class (virtual, 90 minutes)
1. Think you can't meditate? Join us for a relaxing meditation experience and un-learn some meditation myths.
2. Try out a variety of meditation exercises to find your favorite.
3. For this meditation you will join the virtual meditation space and simply listen along as you are guided through a rejuvenating meditation.
Sleep Skills and Habits: The ABC's of ZZZ's Class (virtual, 90 minutes)
1. Having troubles getting or staying asleep? Join us to learn about the importance (and effectiveness) of sleep routines.
2. Explore a variety of sleep "hacks" for different areas of life, like the foods you eat, the environments you sleep in, and more!
3. Try out a Progressive Muscle Relaxation during class and learn how to repeat it on your own.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (virtual, 30 minutes)
1. This experiential meditation is a fan favorite and helps participants to relax and feel more calm.
2. Connect to your breathing and body through a structured, guided meditation.
3. Get your meditation questions answered through personalized advice.
Yoga for Stress Management and Rejuvenation
1. Feeling stressed or burnt out? Join our certified yoga teacher to explore the best yoga poses and sequences for stress management, rejuvenation, relaxation, and self-care.
2. Each class will start with a discussion about stress and how our bodies respond during stressful situations.
3. The importance of mindful breathing will also be discussed.
4. Then, you will learn a variety of yoga poses and sequences that can easily be adapted to (almost) any situation you may find yourself in.