Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Maternal-Fetal Medicine and Fetal Assessment Unit
The Maternal-Fetal Medicine division ‘specializes in the un-routine,’ as described by the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.
Our team typically includes physicians, sonographers, nurse educators, genetic counselors, and medical assistants with specialized training in high-risk pregnancy care.
You may be referred to see our team if your obstetrician or midwife determines that you are at risk for pregnancy complications. You may meet with a counselor, a sonographer, a nurse, a physician, or all of the above, depending upon your needs. Some pregnant people will see a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist one time during a pregnancy, while others will see our team multiple times. You may also meet with our team before pregnancy, especially if you have a history of medical conditions during or outside of pregnancy.
Some of the reasons that a pregnant person may be referred to see the Maternal-Fetal Medicine team include high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, twin pregnancy, in vitro fertilization pregnancy, high-risk genetic screening results, ultrasound findings, and small fetal size, to name a few.
Some of the services we offer include preconception consults, genetic counseling, first trimester ultrasound, second trimester or anatomy ultrasound, diagnostic genetic testing, third trimester or growth ultrasound, antenatal fetal surveillance such as non-stress testing, and prenatal consultation and care for high-risk pregnancies.
For more information about Maternal-Fetal Medicine and high-risk pregnancy care, please see, a website maintained by the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine with information about high-risk pregnancy.
We look forward to working with you during your pregnancy.
Genetic Counseling
Genetic counseling services are embedded in the Maternal-Fetal Medicine division. Services provided may include:
- Group prenatal counseling on screening tests for genetic conditions that can affect the fetus
- Individualized genetic counseling for abnormal genetic screening that can affect the fetus
- Preconception genetic counseling for patients who are known carriers of genetic conditions
For more information about Women's Health, visit this link: Women's Health & Pregnancy