Scope of Services
Our Laboratory provides a comprehensive range of anatomic pathology, blood bank, and clinical pathology services to all eligible beneficiaries. We serve as a center of excellence and referral facility for Laboratory Medicine. The Inpatient Laboratory is staffed 24/7 to provide services which meet patient care requirements.
Our Blood Bank and Donor Center collects and manufactures all the blood components necessary to support patient care at NMCSD, as well as, supporting the Navy Blood Program and Armed Services Blood Program mission requirements.
The Laboratory is accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB), and is licensed by the U.S Food and Drug Administration.
The Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD) Laboratory will provide quality support to facilitate operational readiness, patient management, research, training and wellness while providing an environment conducive to good morale.
- Deliver quality laboratory services in support of the armed forces.
- Maintain medical readiness.
- Advance medicine through education and training.
- Promote an environment which maximizes staff morale and job satisfaction.
The Naval Medical Center San Diego Laboratory Department will:
- Provide the highest quality Laboratory services which are readily accessible, comprehensive, cost effective, and timely.
- Be considered by patients, health care providers, and colleagues, as well as the civilian and military community, as the leader in providing quality laboratory services.
- Be fully trained and ready to provide the highest level of operational support.
- Be regarded as a center for excellence in medical education and professional growth.
- Use the information management systems to maximize efficiency.
- Reward performance which supports our values and promotes job satisfaction.
- Create a safe, non-threatening environment that maximizes staff involvement, encourages team building, and promotes harmony.
- Use Continuous Quality Improvement to enhance the quality of medical care.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long does it take to receive test results?
Depending on the test performed, most tests are completed and reported to your ordering healthcare provider within about 24 hours of receiving the sample for testing. Certain tests take several days to weeks. Results are sent directly to the ordering healthcare professional. Please ask your healthcare provider to contact you when your test results have been received.
2. How can I receive a copy of my test results?
The Laboratory is prohibited from giving patient results to anyone other than licensed providers. Please contact your healthcare provider or MHS Genesis Patient Portal at Additionally, you can contact Outpatient Medical Records Department to obtain copies of your test results.
3. Can the Laboratory help me interpret my results?
Please address questions related to interpretation of your test results to your personal healthcare provider. Your doctor will interpret your lab test results (determine their meaning) in conjunction with information about your medical history, physical examination, and other test results, and provide you with medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
4. Are my results confidential?
Yes. This laboratory adheres to test result information disclosure laws. The lab report is sent to the ordering physician or other authorized person who has requested the test. Please contact your clinician for further information regarding your results.
5. My provider has requested a test that requires fasting. What is required?
Eating or drinking can cause inaccurate results on some tests. We ask that for those tests, you refrain from eating or drinking anything other than water or prescribed medications for 12 hours before these tests are collected.
6. My provider ordered a 3-hour glucose tolerance test. What do I need to do in advance?
Glucose tolerance tests require an appointment, usually scheduled in the morning. You will be given a special diet that you need to follow for three days before testing, and you need to be fasting for the last 12 hours. For your safety, you will need to remain in the area for the full three hours of the test. You may make an appointment by coming to the Phlebotomy desk in Bldg. 1, 3rd floor, or you may call (619) 532-9200.
7. What do I need to bring with me?
You will need to bring your military or dependent ID card.